An examination of syncs between the movie Jack Reacher and the recent Webster firefighter and Sandy Hook shootings.
It all started because I noticed some similarity in these two names:
Oline Archer
Arline Spengler
Oline Archer was a target killed in the movie Jack Reacher. Arlene Spengler was the mother of William Spengler, Jr. who shot four firefighters in Webster, NY on 12/24.
We already know the name Archer points to Sagittarius, the astrological sign for the month of December, as well as to Bowman (Dave Bowman/DB/42).
[Note: The fact that Reacher can be rearranged to spell Archer possibly implies a familial connection between Oline and Jack; also in the movie Arline was pronounced R-Lign (Rose line/blood line? William Spengler's grandmother whom he murdered with a hammer on 7/18/80 was named Rose), but I won't get into that here.]
Related Syncs—
#1: On 12/24 William Spengler set fire to his mother's home at 193 Lake Rd. and a house and car next door at 191 Lake Rd. on Lake Ontario in Webster, NY to lure firefighters. He shot four of them (two died).
- The street number of the address 191 Lake Rd, the imagery of the two neighboring houses (191 and 193) burning, and the deaths of the first-responder firefighters are all 9/11 syncs.
- Both the date of the shooting and the number shot and killed are 42/Jupiter syncs (see this post at the Just Watching the Wheels Go Round blog for more syncs).
#2: Spengler used the same weapon/ammo as in the Sandy Hook shootings. The Sandy Hook firehouse was also a focal point of that event. Spengler committed suicide on the beach of Lake Ontario (beach=Sand).
#3: News articles said Spengler shot at his targets "from atop an earthen berm".
- definition: berm - a level space, shelf, or raised barrier separating two areas. Basically it's a hill or embankment...a.k.a...a grassy knoll. Which, of course, syncs to the JFK assassination mystery sniper.
An embankment with two berms. |
It seems to me that Spengler was attempting to re-enact the JFK assassination and 9/11 combined into one event. I will attempt to explain my premise for this as simply as possible. In my previous post I touched on Phillip K. Dick's theory in his book Exegesis that our reality is a holographic composite of two organic higher universes, Hyperuniverse I (healthy) and Hyperuniverse II (defective) [also see this post at the Mask of God blog].
The defective organism Hyperuniverse II is dying, but it is desperately trying to stay alive and do as much damage as possible before it goes. As such, it is feverishly running through its old bag of tricks.
Hyperuniverse II is, in fact, already dead but within such a large entity the life force drains out in stages (like when you unplug an old TV set and the picture on the screen gradually fades out).
Either way, this most recent chain of murderous events (Aurora, Clackamas, Sandy Hook, Webster) are the death throws of a dying organism. These events bear the same signature elements of past historically devastating events (i.e. JFK, MLK, 9/11, Tucson, etc.) because they're all projections of the same ongoing battle between a healthy, living universal organism and an evil, insane, dying one.
A Line in the Sand—
"Semantics are a big deal to me here since people say "End Times" (implying destruction) when it is actually "The End of Time" (implying a DEMARCATION point)."
The movie Jack Reacher was based on the novel "One Shot" by author Lee Child. Here is a passage from page 4:
"He listened to the silence and lifted the rifle off the rear bench. Carried it with him to where the old part of the garage finished and the new part began. There was a half-inch trench between the old concrete and the new. Like a DEMARCATION line. He guessed it was an expansion joint."—One Shot
In both the movie and the book, Oline Archer's husband is in the concrete construction business and the image of concrete is associated with a demarcation line between old and new (a.k.a. a Line in the Sand). Further, concrete is made of a mixture that typically includes sand.
More links to the names Oline Archer and Spengler—
OlinΓ© Keese was the pen name of Caroline Leakey who wrote a book called The Broad Arrow in 1859 as a statement against the treatment of prisoners during the time of transportation.
In 1861, Leakey also established a house in Exeter to care for "fallen women" (i.e. Sophia) but I won't explore that here.
Under the laws of penal transportation, British prisoners were shipped to New England colonies (now the states of Connecticut and Massachusetts) and forced to participate in manual labor, particularly in construction of roads and bridges, often for their entire lives (Lifers).
Some were sold into slavery in the South. Many were innocent or had only committed petty crimes. They were exploited as a source of free labor until the American colonies gained independence in 1776.
Oswald Spengler (sync to JFK/Lee Harvey Oswald) wrote The Decline of the West and The Hour of Decision. He warned of a coming world war in which Western Civilization risked being destroyed.
Spengler believed that cultures pass through necessary phases from childhood to puberty to adulthood just like a human being with the stronger cultural organism rising up to absorb the weaker ones. And, like in humans, the only thing that can end a cultural organism's development is sickness followed by premature death.
This is very similar to P.K. Dick's conclusion in Exegesis that our universe is composed of two organisms, Hyperuniverse I (Yin) and Hyperuniverse II (Yang), the latter of which is sick, mentally ill, and dying.
Another PKD sketch of the universe as a protozoa-like organism. |
Compare Spengler's and PKD's theories of a defective, dying cultural organism to this headline news on the morning of 12/27 (I fell asleep after I'd already almost finishing writing this post on the night of 12/26 and woke up at 5AM on 12/27 to the article):
Here the organism is personified as Dr. Octopus "fighting to destroy the world as his own body slowly died". |
See if you can spot the Black Monolith in this pic. [Note: Per 2001:ASO mythos, the monoliths seem to appear when mankind is on the verge (the Line? the Cliff?) of a major evolution.] |
Overall, there is a major theme of an elaborate plan being executed to forever liberate human slaves from the bondage of being farmed and used as expendable collateral (an energetic food source to the "dying organism" a.k.a. "The Octopus" a.k.a. "outdated power structures").
The present moment is a demarcation, a line in the sand, beyond which old structures must be abandoned and our cultural organism must grow/expand/change/evolve for the better.
This was the Wikipedia pic of the day on 12/26, the day after Django Unchained premiered:
Human slaves printed on a Confederate 100 dollar bill...well, it doesn't get any clearer than that. |
More to come on this subject in my next post (to be continued...)